Wednesday, April 6, 2022

D&D Session 40 (4/5/22): The Tomb of Axton!

Text by Paul O'Connor, Dungeon Master

Winter's chill draws close as our intrepid heroes ride their disk across frozen waters, like some D&D homage to Washington crossing the Delaware.

Mephits streak down in icy fury; skeletons swarm the shore. But they were little match for the Pipes of FEAR (and yes, I'm as perplexed as anyone that skeletons know fear). Our heroes gain the far shore without hardly taking a scratch. In a twinkling, Omaha Beach turned into Malibu Beach!

On the island, a horse's tomb (quickly looted), and a burial mound, surmounted by a spiral stair. Iago was persuaded to dig, uncovering a stone lid, shrugged aside by Blah.

 Below -- a burial chamber, a pile of treasure, and atop it the armored form the Axton himself, cradling his legendary axe in his dead hands.

(You know what happens next, of course).

Blah roped himself off and lowered down. He knelt before the dead king and said the axe was needed to unite his people ... but Axton was having none of it! Awakened from his slumber, he rose and began casting spells. Grovel, Blah! Hold, Arthur! 

It was all a swirling melee, with Axton shrugging off Khostov's spells, trading blows with Blah, and managing to keep his britches up from Arthur's Chimes of Opening (and drat, but that would have been something).

The battle reaches fever pitch ... Axton raises his blade high overhead ... it glows, as if he's readying some mighty ritual ...

(... and then we broke for the night!)

Saturday, April 2, 2022

D&D Session 39 (4/1/22): Taboo!


 Text by Paul O'Connor, Dungeon Master

Missing the chance to kill off the entire party as an April Fools' joke, we got right into it ...

... with our intrepid heroes wandering about Icewind Dale, while Iago hummed and hrrmed and got the rhymes wrong, trying to remember which great icy mountain, precisely, it was that contained the fabled Tomb of Axton. Every step of the way they were dogged by wolves (wolved by dogs?) with the savage Wolf tribe of the Reghed Barbarians fast on their heels.

When it became obvious the party was headed for ground so taboo to Mal-Do that he could not even name the grounds, the boastful barbarian's heart dropped into the sink of fear, before a bit of shaming and cajoling by the heroes got him going again. 

At last they arrived at the Forbidden Zone. Mal-Do watched the horses while the heroes and Iago squeezed through a narrow cleft in the rock beneath an ancient rune identifying the taboo grounds. Inside the cleft -- strange spoor, the tracks of big cats and slime left behind by ... something.

Beyond the cleft a hidden punchbowl valley, dominated by a roaring waterfall and a treacherous, switch-back set of natural stairs rising to the Tomb of Axton embedded in the far rock wall!

Dismissing the waterfall entrance as entirely too chilly, the heroes entered via the main gate, and passed through chambers that had lain silent for thousand of years, the walls decorated with frescos depicting barbaric glory.

Soon the lads found the tomb was built around a vast underground lake, with an island in the middle that held a burial mound and standing stones ... the heart of the Tomb of Axton!

A bit more sneaking about and the team found their way to a ruined causeway, which promised to bring them close to the island. A few desultory arrows launched from the island greeted their explorations, but all was chill (in more ways that one, as ice waters roared about the pilings near the causeway). Khostov began a ritual to conjure a floating disc to move the party across to the island. But then waterlogged undead assassins dragged themselves from the lake bottom and swarmed to attack, tearing off their own faces and infecting luckless Arthur with Bluerot (sad, but true).

Blah and Arthur dueled the wet undead while Khostov completed his spell. The heroes stepped aboard the floating disk and began to hover across to the island, which should go perfectly aside from that one remaining skeletal assassin in the water, aiming at them with twin crossbows ... oh and the skeletons gathering on the far shore ... and the flock of mephits that detached from the icy ceiling and flapped down toward the floating disc ... and also the great bulky shape cutting an ominous vee through the water toward all the action.

Join us next time to see what happens, same Bat time, same Bat channel